Check estimation time for models run with various threads values

check_run_times(.mods, .return_times = "estimation_time", .wait = TRUE, ...)



a bbi model object or list of model objects. Generally created by test_threads().


character vector denoting which times from model_summary() you want to return. See details for more information.


logical. If TRUE, pass .mods to wait_for_nonmem() before returning results.


args passed through to wait_for_nonmem().


A tibble with columns threads (number of threads) and time

(elapsed estimation time in seconds for test models).


.return_times can be any subset of c("estimation_time", "covariance_time", "postprocess_time", "cpu_time"). Users can also specify "all", which is the shorthand method for selecting all 4 of those columns.


if (FALSE) {
mods <- test_threads(mod, .threads = c(2, 4))

# If models have not finished:
check_run_times(mods, .wait = TRUE, .time_limit = 300)
check_run_times(mods, .wait = TRUE, .return_times = c("estimation_time", "covariance_time"))

# If models have already finished:
check_run_times(mods, .wait = FALSE)
check_run_times(mods, .wait = FALSE, .return_times = "all")