Parses all model YAML files and outputs into a tibble that serves as a run log for the project. Future releases will incorporate more diagnostics and parameter estimates, etc. from the runs into this log. Users can also use add_config() or add_summary() to append additional output about the model run.

run_log(.base_dir, .recurse = FALSE, .include = NULL)



Base directory to look in for models.


If FALSE, the default, only include models in .base_dir but not subdirectories. This is passed through to fs::dir_ls() -- If TRUE recurse fully, if a positive number the number of levels to recurse.


A character vector specifying which runs or model tags to include in the run log.


A tibble of class bbi_run_log_df with information on each model, or an empty tibble if no models are found.


.include can contain both run names and tags (in any order). Only models having a tag or run name that include those strings will be returned


if (FALSE) {
run_log(MODEL_DIR, .include = c(1, "new tag 1"))

run_log(MODEL_DIR, .include = c("acop tag", 2, 3))
