Identifies system running and pulls the relevant tarball for the
current release of bbi from GitHub, and then installs it at .path
Details section for defaults). If used in an interactive session, will open
an installation menu confirming the installed version. This function will
print information about the installed version. This printing can be
suppressed by setting options(bbr.verbose = FALSE)
use_bbi(.path = NULL, .version = "latest", .force = FALSE, .quiet = NULL)
path to install bbi to. See Details section for defaults, if
nothing is passed. Note that this should be the path where you would like
the bbi executable to be installed, not the path to the directory in
which you want to install it. For example, you should pass
and not "/some/dir"
version of bbi to install. Must pass a character scalar
corresponding to a tag found in
, the default, skips installation if requested
version and local version are the same. If TRUE
forces installation if it
will be the same version.
Deprecated. Use options("bbr.verbose")
instead to control
printing. Defaults to NULL
, which reads !getOption("bbr.verbose")
. If
, suppresses output printed to the console.
If nothing is passed to the .path
argument, use_bbi()
attempt to find a valid path for installation. The following decision
waterfall is used:
First, check getOption("bbr.bbi_exe_path")
. If this is anything other
than "bbi"
(the default value) then attempt to install to that path.
Second, check Sys.which("bbi")
which will look for a bbi
in the user's $PATH
. If one is found, ask the user if they wish to
overwrite it and, if they confirm, install to that path.
Third, attempt to install to a "default location" and add this location to
the user's $PATH
. If Sys.getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME")
is found, install to
(per XGD specification).
Otherwise, install to OS dependent defaults:
Linux: {Sys.getenv("HOME")}/.local/share/bbi/bbi
Mac: /usr/local/bin/bbi
Windows: {Sys.getenv("APPDATA")}\bbi\bbi
If none of these are successful, the user will be prompted to set
and try again.