This function reads a CSV file formatted for NONMEM (or similar) where missing values
are represented by a period (".") and converts these to NA
. It utilizes the
function for fast reading and converts the result to a data frame.
sep = ",",
quote = "",
na.strings = ".",
integer64 = "double",
data.table = FALSE,
A character string specifying the path to the CSV file to be read.
Separator between columns, defaults to ","
Set to handle fields starting with a double quote, defaults to ""
A character vector of strings to be interpreted as NA values, defaults to "."
Reads columns detected as containing integers larger than 2^31, default to "double"
Boolean, set to TRUE to return data.table, set to FALSE to return data.frame
arguments passed to data.table::fread()
A data frame with the contents of the CSV file, with "." values replaced by NA