Format the path to an image file

format_path(file, dir, path.type = c("proj", "none", "raw"))



the name of the image file.


the directory where the image file is stored.


a character string indicating how the path to the image file should be formatted; use "proj" to have the path expressed relative to the RStudio project file; use "none" to format without any directory information (just the image file name); use "raw" to print the complete path to the file using dir as-is.


A string with the formatted image file path.


Note that the default value for path.type is "proj". This requires that an RStudio project file is able to be found using rprojroot::find_root() with the rprojroot::is_rstudio_project criterion.

Once mrggsave finds a root for a given working directory, it caches the value for the remainder of the R session. An error will be generated if an image is attempted to be saved using path.type="proj" but an RStudio project file was not able to be located.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
format_path("foo.txt", "my/path")
format_path("foo.txt", "my/path", path.type = "none")
format_path("foo.txt", "my/path", path.type = "raw")
} # }