A set of helpful functions for formatting, manipulating and summarizing data in the field of pharmacometrics. Many of the functions were inherited from previous packages PKPDmisc
and metumrg
Some helpful utilities include:
and auc_partial()
calculates (full and partial) area under the curve
displays a count of NAs by column in a data.frame
displays overlapping names between data.frames
and max_through()
gives the minimum and maximum values up to each index in a vector
creates custom sized bins for vectors and data.frames
Public documentation of all functions is hosted at https://metrumresearchgroup.github.io/mrgmisc/
uses pkgr to manage development dependencies and renv to provide isolation. To replicate this environment,
clone the repo
install pkgr
open package in an R session and run renv::init(bare = TRUE)
> 0.8.3-4 into default .libPaths()
if not already installedrun pkgr install
in terminal within package directory
restart session
Then, launch R with the repo as the working directory (open the project in RStudio). renv will activate and find the project library.
If you encounter a clear bug, please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on mrgmisc.