R package containing helpers for formatting and preprocessing inputs to mrgvalidate.


Supports the following data sources:

Test Output

Stories and Requirements

  • Googlesheets
  • Github issues and milestones
  • YAML files

More to come…

  • Intending to expand to outputs from other test framework soon, as the need arises
  • Probably some connectors to Jira and/or Confluence for pulling in Stories and Requirements


mrgvalprep uses pkgr to manage development dependencies and renv to provide isolation. To replicate this environment,

  1. clone the repo

  2. install pkgr

  3. open package in an R session and run renv::init(bare = TRUE)

    • install renv > 0.8.3-4 into default .libPaths() if not already installed
  4. run pkgr install in terminal within package directory

  5. restart session

Then, launch R with the repo as the working directory (open the project in RStudio). renv will activate and find the project library.