pkgr clean

Clean cached information


This subcommand is an entry point for cleaning two categories of cached data:

  • source and binary tarballs

    Use the 'cache' subcommand to remove these.

  • package databases with information about the packages available from repositories

    Use the 'pkgdbs' subcommand to remove these.

To remove cached data for both categories, pass the --all flag.

pkgr clean [flags]


  • --all: clean all cached items

  • -h, --help: help for clean


  • --config string: config file (default is pkgr.yml)

  • --debug: use debug mode

  • --library string: library to install packages

  • --logjson: log as json

  • --loglevel string: level for logging

  • --no-rollback: disable rollback

  • --no-secure: disable TLS certificate verification

  • --no-update: don't update installed packages

  • --strict: enable strict mode

  • --threads int: number of threads to execute with

See also