pkgr load

Check that installed packages can be loaded


Load packages specified in the configuration file to validate that each package has been installed successfully and can be used.

Execution environment. This subcommand runs R with the same settings that R would use if you invoked 'R' from the current working directory. It relies on that environment being configured to find packages in the library path specified in the configuration file (via 'Library' or 'Lockfile: Type'). Pass the --json argument to confirm that the package is being loaded from the expected library.

pkgr load [flags]


  # Load packages listed in config file
  pkgr load --json
  # Load the above packages and all their dependencies
  pkgr load --json --all


  • --all: load all packages in dependency tree

  • -h, --help: help for load

  • --json: output results as a JSON object


  • --config string: config file (default is pkgr.yml)

  • --debug: use debug mode

  • --library string: library to install packages

  • --logjson: log as json

  • --loglevel string: level for logging

  • --no-rollback: disable rollback

  • --no-secure: disable TLS certificate verification

  • --no-update: don't update installed packages

  • --strict: enable strict mode

  • --threads int: number of threads to execute with

See also

  • pkgr - top-level entry point