pkgr plan

Display plan for installation


Preview an installation with the current configuration. This subcommand is commonly invoked before running 'pkgr install' to confirm that the configuration is behaving as intended.

The output includes details about which repositories particular packages would be retrieved from, the library that packages would be installed into, and which packages would be installed or updated.

pkgr plan [flags]


  • -h, --help: help for plan

  • --show-deps: show the (required) dependencies for each package


  • --config string: config file (default is pkgr.yml)

  • --debug: use debug mode

  • --library string: library to install packages

  • --logjson: log as json

  • --loglevel string: level for logging

  • --no-rollback: disable rollback

  • --no-secure: disable TLS certificate verification

  • --no-update: don't update installed packages

  • --strict: enable strict mode

  • --threads int: number of threads to execute with

See also

  • pkgr - top-level entry point