Files may be formatted as TeX glossary file or in yaml format suitable for reading using yaml_as_df() (see details).

read_glossary(file, format = guess_glo_fmt(file))



path to the tex or yaml glossary file.


the glossary file format; could be either "tex" or "yaml" and will be inferred by default from the extension of file.


A named list of glossary definitions with class tex_glossary and glossary. The list names are acronym entry labels (i.e., what you would pass to \gls{} when writing a tex document).


For the tex format, the glossary file is expected to contain acronym entries with the form




For the yaml format, the glossary file is expected to be able to be read with yaml_as_df(); the outer level should be the label and columns should be provided with the names def (definition) and abb (abbreviation). See Examples.

See also


texfile <- system.file("glo", "glossary.tex", package = "pmtables")

x <- read_glossary(texfile)

#> ADA   : anti-drug antibodies
#> AE    : adverse event
#> AIC   : Akaike information criterion
#> ALAG  : oral absorption lag time
#> ASCII : American Standard Code for Information I...
#> AST   : aspartate transaminase

#> subject weight (WT)

#> subcutaneous (SC)

yamfile <- system.file("glo", "glossary.yaml", package = "pmtables")

y <- read_glossary(yamfile)
#> egfr : estimated glomerular filtration rate
#> bmi  : body mass index
#> wt   : weight
#> ht   : height
#> cmax : maximum concentration in the dosing inte...
#> cmin : minimum concentration in the dosing inte...

# Format of the tex glossary file
#> [1] "%%%%%%%%% A"                                                                   
#> [2] "\\newacronym{ADA}{ADA}{anti-drug antibodies}"                                  
#> [3] "\\newacronym{AE}{AE}{adverse event}"                                           
#> [4] "\\newacronym{AIC}{AIC}{Akaike information criterion}"                          
#> [5] "\\newacronym{ALAG}{ALAG}{oral absorption lag time}"                            
#> [6] "\\newacronym{ASCII}{ASCII}{American Standard Code for Information Interchange}"

# Format of the yaml glossary file
#> [1] "egfr:"                                      
#> [2] "  def: estimated glomerular filtration rate"
#> [3] "  abb: eGFR"                                
#> [4] "bmi:"                                       
#> [5] "  def: body mass index"                     
#> [6] "  abb: BMI"                                 

#> # A tibble: 7 × 3
#>   .row  def                                          abb  
#>   <chr> <chr>                                        <chr>
#> 1 egfr  estimated glomerular filtration rate         eGFR 
#> 2 bmi   body mass index                              BMI  
#> 3 wt    weight                                       WT   
#> 4 ht    height                                       HT   
#> 5 cmax  maximum concentration in the dosing interval Cmax 
#> 6 cmin  minimum concentration in the dosing interval Cmin 
#> 7 auc   area under the concentration time curve      AUC