Use this function to allow your table to span multiple pages, with a "to be continued" statement at the bottom of each page. There are important differences between this longtable environment and the tabular environment that is used to generate tables from stable(). See the details section for more information.

stable_long(data, ...)

# S3 method for data.frame
  note_config = noteconf(type = "minipage"),
  inspect = FALSE,
  lt_cap_macro = "",
  lt_cap_text = "",
  lt_cap_short = "",
  lt_cap_label = "",
  lt_continue = "\\footnotesize{continued on next page}",

# S3 method for stobject
stable_long(data, ...)

# S3 method for pmtable
stable_long(data, ...)



an object to render as a long table; this could be a data.frame, a pmtable object or an stobject; when passing in a data.frame, the data should be filtered or subset so that data contains exactly the rows (and columns) to be processed; pmtables will not add or remove rows prior to processing data


passed to stable()


a noteconf() object used to configure how table notes are displayed; ; see also st_noteconf()


fixed to TRUE and passed to stable()


the name of a macro that will hold caption text; to not lead with \\ - this will be added for you


full caption text, appearing where the table is rendered


short caption text, appearing in the list of tables


table label for use in latex document


longtable continuation message


A character vector with the TeX code for the table with classattribute set to stable_long and stable.


To create longtable output, pmtables first passes the data frame through stable() and then modifies the output to create a table in longtable environment. The ... arguments to stable_long() are passed to stable() and can be used to configure the table. One important difference between tablular and longtable environments is that captions need to get inserted inside the longtable environment; this is why you see several additional arguments for stable_long().

You may have to run pdflatex on your longtable more than once to get the table to render properly; this is not unexpected behavior for longtable.

If you have panels in your table, the default is to prevent page breaks right after the panel title row using the \\* command in the longtable package. This shouldn't need to be changed by the user, but if needed this can be suppressed by adding nopagebreak = FALSE when calling as.panel() or rowpanel().


#>  [1] "\\renewcommand{\\arraystretch}{1.3}"                                        
#>  [2] "\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{5pt} "                                             
#>  [3] "\\setlength{\\extrarowheight}{0em}"                                         
#>  [4] "\\begin{longtable}{lllllllll}"                                              
#>  [5] "\\endhead"                                                                  
#>  [6] "\\hline"                                                                    
#>  [7] "\\multicolumn{9}{r}{\\footnotesize{continued on next page}}"                
#>  [8] "\\endfoot"                                                                  
#>  [9] "\\hline"                                                                    
#> [10] "\\endlastfoot"                                                              
#> [11] "\\hline"                                                                    
#> [12] "STUDY & DOSE & FORM & N & WT & CRCL & AGE & ALB & SCR \\\\"                 
#> [13] "\\hline"                                                                    
#> [14] "\\endfirsthead"                                                             
#> [15] "\\hline"                                                                    
#> [16] "STUDY & DOSE & FORM & N & WT & CRCL & AGE & ALB & SCR \\\\"                 
#> [17] "\\hline"                                                                    
#> [18] "\\endhead"                                                                  
#> [19] "\\hline"                                                                    
#> [20] "12-DEMO-001 & 100 mg & tablet & 80 & 71.4 & 104 & 33.7 & 4.20 & 1.06 \\\\"  
#> [21] "12-DEMO-001 & 150 mg & capsule & 16 & 89.4 & 122 & 24.4 & 4.63 & 1.12 \\\\" 
#> [22] "12-DEMO-001 & 150 mg & tablet & 48 & 81.7 & 104 & 34.4 & 3.83 & 0.910 \\\\" 
#> [23] "12-DEMO-001 & 150 mg & troche & 16 & 94.0 & 93.2 & 27.4 & 4.94 & 1.25 \\\\" 
#> [24] "12-DEMO-001 & 200 mg & tablet & 64 & 67.9 & 100 & 27.5 & 4.25 & 1.10 \\\\"  
#> [25] "12-DEMO-001 & 200 mg & troche & 16 & 76.6 & 99.2 & 22.8 & 4.54 & 1.15 \\\\" 
#> [26] "12-DEMO-002 & 100 mg & capsule & 36 & 61.3 & 113 & 38.3 & 4.04 & 1.28 \\\\" 
#> [27] "12-DEMO-002 & 100 mg & tablet & 324 & 77.6 & 106 & 29.9 & 4.31 & 0.981 \\\\"
#> [28] "12-DEMO-002 & 50 mg & capsule & 36 & 74.1 & 112 & 37.1 & 4.44 & 0.900 \\\\" 
#> [29] "12-DEMO-002 & 50 mg & tablet & 324 & 71.2 & 106 & 34.1 & 4.63 & 0.868 \\\\" 
#> [30] "12-DEMO-002 & 75 mg & capsule & 36 & 72.4 & 105 & 38.2 & 3.89 & 0.900 \\\\" 
#> [31] "12-DEMO-002 & 75 mg & tablet & 288 & 71.6 & 98.9 & 34.2 & 4.49 & 0.991 \\\\"
#> [32] "12-DEMO-002 & 75 mg & troche & 36 & 73.6 & 103 & 49.2 & 4.52 & 0.930 \\\\"  
#> [33] "\\hline"                                                                    
#> [34] "\\end{longtable}"                                                           
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "stable_long" "stable"