qctools is a toolkit for ensuring critical files are reviewed on a project. It manages the quality control (QC) process by tracking the assignment and acceptance of files using a centralized log file, QClog.csv. Along with tracking QC, qctools provides additional tooling for code review and comparing outputs such as figures and tables.

By integrating with Git, qctools automatically detects when a file has been modified and flags it for re-evaluation. It provides functions to check outstanding QC and summarize the QC status of all files.

The core functions of qctools are:

Core Functions


To create a QC log, use logCreate(). This will generate the QClog.csv file at the top level of the project.

Example Log (Pre-existing)

For demonstration, assume the QClog.csv already contains some entries.

file commit reviewer datetime
script/analysis.R Initial-Assignment Jane Doe 2024-11-19 10:00:00
script/data-prep.R abc1234 John Smith 2024-11-19 11:30:00
script/visualize.R def5678 Bob Miller 2024-11-19 13:00:00


Suppose we are the author of script/model-fitting.R and it is ready for review. We can assign script/model-fitting.R to Alice Johnson for QC. Below is the code for this operation and the updated log.

logAssign(file = "script/model-fitting.R", reviewer = "Alice Johnson")
file commit reviewer datetime
script/analysis.R Initial-Assignment Jane Doe 2024-11-19 10:00:00
script/data-prep.R abc1234 John Smith 2024-11-19 11:30:00
script/visualize.R def5678 Bob Miller 2024-11-19 13:00:00
script/model-fitting.R Initial-Assignment Alice Johnson 2024-11-19 14:00:00


After Alice Johnson reviews script/model-fitting.R, she can accept the file by using logAccept().

logAccept(file = "script/model-fitting.R")
file commit reviewer datetime
script/analysis.R Initial-Assignment Jane Doe 2024-11-19 10:00:00
script/data-prep.R abc1234 John Smith 2024-11-19 11:30:00
script/visualize.R def5678 Bob Miller 2024-11-19 13:00:00
script/model-fitting.R Initial-Assignment Alice Johnson 2024-11-19 14:00:00
script/model-fitting.R ghi9012 Alice Johnson 2024-11-19 15:00:00


Suppose we want to view all files with oustanding QC needs. logPending() lists files that require QC because they are either:

  1. Assigned but not yet reviewed.
  2. Modified since the last QC.

An example output of logPending() is shown below.

file last_author reviewer datetime
script/analysis.R Bob Miller Jane Doe 2024-11-19 10:00:00


If we want to see the QC status of all files in the log, we can use logSummary() to do so.

file status
script/analysis.R Modified - needs QC
script/data-prep.R Fully QCed
script/model-fitting.R Fully QCed
script/visualize.R Fully QCed

Workflow Example

  1. Create the log (once per project):

  2. Assign files for review:

    logAssign(file = "script/model-fitting.R", reviewer = "Alice Johnson")
  3. Mark files as accepted after review:

    logAccept(file = "script/model-fitting.R")
  4. Display files with oustanding QC:

  5. View the QC status of all files in the QC log:

Getting Help

If you encounter a clear bug, please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on the qctools/issues page.