Model submission consists of two steps: generating the initial values (METHOD=CHAIN run) and sampling for each chain (METHOD=BAYES or METHOD=NUTS runs).

# S3 method for bbi_nmbayes_model
  .bbi_args = NULL,
  .mode = getOption("bbr.bbi_exe_mode"),
  .overwrite = NULL,
  .config_path = NULL,
  .wait = TRUE,
  .dry_run = FALSE



The model object to submit.


A named list specifying arguments to pass to bbi formatted like list("nm_version" = "nm74gf_nmfe", "json" = T, "threads" = 4). Run print_bbi_args() to see valid arguments. Note that bbr does not support changing the output directory (including through the model or global YAML files).


Either "sge", the default, to submit model(s) to the grid or "local" for local execution. This can be passed directly to this argument or set globally with options("bbr.bbi_exe_mode").


args passed through to bbi_exec()


Logical to specify whether or not to overwrite existing model output from a previous run. If NULL, the default, will defer to setting in .bbi_args or bbi.yaml. If not NULL will override any settings in .bbi_args or bbi.yaml.


Path to a bbi configuration file. If NULL, the default, will attempt to use a bbi.yaml in the same directory as the model.


If TRUE, the default, wait for the bbi process to return before this function call returns. If FALSE function will return while bbi process runs in the background.


Do not submit the sampling runs; just report what command would be executed via the returned object. Note: The METHOD=CHAIN model is executed to generate the initialization values regardless of this value.

See also

bbr_nmbayes for a high-level description of how NONMEM Bayes models are structured