This function takes a bbi_nmboot_model (created by a previous new_bootstrap_run() call) and creates n new model objects and re-sampled datasets in a subdirectory. The control stream found at get_model_path(.boot_run) is used as the "template" for these new model objects, and the new datasets are sampled from the dataset defined in its $DATA record (i.e. get_data_path(.boot_run)).

  n = 200,
  strat_cols = NULL,
  seed = 1234,
  data = NULL,
  .bbi_args = list(no_grd_file = TRUE, no_shk_file = TRUE),
  .overwrite = FALSE



A bbi_nmboot_model object.


Number of data sets and model runs to generate.


Columns to maintain proportion for stratification


A numeric seed to set prior to resampling the data; use NULL to avoid setting a seed.


A dataset to resample from. Defaults to NULL, which will use the filtered output from nm_data(.boot_run, filter = TRUE). If provided, must include the same column names as what's returned from nm_data(.mod).


Named list passed to model_summary(orig_mod, .bbi_args), where orig_mod is the model .boot_run is based on. See print_bbi_args() for valid options. Defaults to list(no_grd_file = TRUE, no_shk_file = TRUE) because model_summary() is only called internally to extract the number of records, so those files are irrelevant. Only used if the based on model (the model being bootstrapped) has been executed.


Logical (T/F) indicating whether or not to overwrite existing setup for a bootstrap run.


Once you have run this function, you can execute your bootstrap with submit_model(). You can use get_model_status() to check on your submitted bootstrap run. Once all models have finished, use summarize_bootstrap_run() to view the results. See examples below.


if (FALSE) {

# Setup
.boot_run <- new_bootstrap_run(.mod)
.boot_run <- setup_bootstrap_run(
  n = 1000,
  seed = 1234,
  strat_cols = c("STUDY", "ETN")

# Submit

# Check status of runs during submission

# Summarize results, once all runs have finished
if (check_nonmem_finished(.boot_run)) {
  .boot_sum <- summarize_bootstrap_run(.boot_run)