Display top and bottom of data frame

ht(.df, .n = 4)



data.frame to display


number of rows to display from each end of data frame


Samuel P Callisto, PhD


# View the top 4 and bottom 4 rows of a dataframe
ht(Theoph, 4)
#>     Subject   Wt Dose  Time  conc
#> 1         1 79.6 4.02  0.00  0.74
#> 2         1 79.6 4.02  0.25  2.84
#> 3         1 79.6 4.02  0.57  6.57
#> 4         1 79.6 4.02  1.12 10.50
#> 129      12 60.5 5.30  7.07  6.59
#> 130      12 60.5 5.30  9.03  6.11
#> 131      12 60.5 5.30 12.05  4.57
#> 132      12 60.5 5.30 24.15  1.17