Read requirements and stories from Google Sheets.

  ss_req = NULL,
  sheet_stories = NULL,
  sheet_req = NULL


ss_stories, ss_req, sheet_stories, sheet_req

Sheet identifiers for the stories and requirements passed along as the ss and sheet arguments to googlesheets4::read_sheet().


Tibble joining requirements and stories by RequirementId.


Option 1: Stories and Requirements

The stories sheet passed to ss_stories must have the following columns:

  • StoryId (character scalar)

  • StoryName (character scalar)

  • StoryDescription (character scalar)

  • ProductRisk (character scalar)

  • RequirementIds (character vector)

The requirements sheet passed to ss_req must have the following columns:

  • RequirementId (character scalar)

  • RequirementDescription (character scalar)

  • TestIds (character vector)

Option 2: Stories linked directly to Tests

Don't pass anything to ss_req. The stories sheet passed to ss_stories must have the following columns:

  • StoryId (character scalar)

  • StoryName (character scalar)

  • StoryDescription (character scalar)

  • ProductRisk (character scalar)

  • TestIds (character vector)

(Note: these are the same columns as Option 1, but replacing RequirementIds with TestIds)