This release has no user-facing changes, with the exception of updates to the documentation and vignettes.


New features and changes

  • Added helpers for converting legacy formats of specifying stories and requirements into the preferred YAML format.
  • Added helpers for converting from using only stories to using stories and requirements. (#44)

Bug fixes

  • Moved checkmate to Imports instead of Suggests because it is used in core functionality. (#29)

  • Fixed check for unique requirement IDs in read_spec_yaml(). (#43)

New features and changes

  • With the new function read_spec_yaml(), stories and requirements can now be provided through YAML files. (#23)

  • googlesheets4 has been moved from Imports to Suggests so that users that only want to use YAML input don’t need to install it. (#24)

  • parse_testthat_list_reporter() and parse_golang_test_json() now strip a trailing colon from the test name when rolling up test IDs. (#19)


New features and changes

New features and changes

Developer-facing changes

  • Enabled drone CI (#11)
  • Added skip_if_no_github_pat() to test suite

First release! This release moved some functionality that used to be in mrgvalidate 0.1.2 into its own package. Much of the old code has been heavily refactored, and new functionality has been added as well.

Current capabilities