A parsed nmrec_record object has a populated "values" field that includes nmrec_option objects. This function is a convenience wrapper for grabbing a specified option. If the option occurs multiple times in the record, an error is signaled.

get_record_option(record, name)



An nmrec_record object.


Name of option to select. Any valid spelling of the option name is allowed.


An nmrec_option object. NULL is returned if an option for name is not found in record.


Note that a record also stores the record type (e.g., "$EST") as an nmrec_option object (specifically an nmrec_option_record_name object). This "option" won't usually be of interest, but, if you do want to grab it with get_record_option(), you need to pass the full type as name (e.g., "estimation" rather than "est").

See also

select_records() for selecting records of a given type.


ctl <- parse_ctl(nmrec_examples[["bayes1"]])
ests <- select_records(ctl, "est")
# Get method for first estimation record.
meth1 <- get_record_option(ests[[1]], "meth")
#> [1] "ITS"