Parsing a record populates its values field with elements and options. An option is an R6 object that inherit from nmrec_option.


Types of options

  • positional (nmrec_option_pos): the option is rendered as the value field.

    For example, the file name from a $DATA record with a value of "foo.csv" would be rendered as "foo.csv".

  • flag (nmrec_option_flag): if value is not NULL, the option is rendered as the name_raw field.

    For example, the interaction flag for an $ESTIMATION record with a name_raw value of "interact" and a value of TRUE would be rendered as "interact".

  • value (nmrec_option_value): render name-value pair from name_raw field and value field, separating the values by the sep field value.

    For example, the maxevals option for a $ESTIMATION record with a name_raw field of "MAX", a value field of "999", and sep field of " = " would be rendered as "MAX = 999".

  • record name (nmrec_option_record_name): this option derives from nmrec_option_flag and tailors formatting for record names.

    For example, a name_raw value of "est" for an $ESTIMATION record would be rendered as "$est".

  • nested (nmrec_option_nested): this option derives from nmrec_option_pos, replacing the simpler value field with a values field that is a list of items to render. Like the values field of a record objects, this consists of elements and options. It is useful for THETA, OMEGA, and SIGMA values, which can have more complex formatting and have attached options (such as "FIXED").

See also

get_record_option() for getting a specified option from a record object.