Important: this function will not make your table render in
landscape mode in a stand alone TeX document. This function doesn't actually
make the table "landscape". It simply adds to the class attribute so that
functions down the line can look for this tag and wrap the table in
environment. The landscaping
is entirely the responsibility of
some other function, just not this one.
output from either stable()
or stable_long()
For as_lscape()
, the input is returned, but with stable_lscape
added to the class
attribute. For is_lscape()
, a logical value
is returned, indicating whether or not the object inherits from
out <- stable(stdata())
#> [1] FALSE
land <- as_lscape(out)
#> [1] TRUE
#> ```{=latex}
#> \begin{landscape}
#> \begin{table}[H]
#> \centering
#> \setlength{\tabcolsep}{5pt}
#> \begin{threeparttable}
#> \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3}
#> \begin{tabular}[h]{lllllllll}
#> \hline
#> STUDY & DOSE & FORM & N & WT & CRCL & AGE & ALB & SCR \\
#> \hline
#> 12-DEMO-001 & 100 mg & tablet & 80 & 71.4 & 104 & 33.7 & 4.20 & 1.06 \\
#> 12-DEMO-001 & 150 mg & capsule & 16 & 89.4 & 122 & 24.4 & 4.63 & 1.12 \\
#> 12-DEMO-001 & 150 mg & tablet & 48 & 81.7 & 104 & 34.4 & 3.83 & 0.910 \\
#> 12-DEMO-001 & 150 mg & troche & 16 & 94.0 & 93.2 & 27.4 & 4.94 & 1.25 \\
#> 12-DEMO-001 & 200 mg & tablet & 64 & 67.9 & 100 & 27.5 & 4.25 & 1.10 \\
#> 12-DEMO-001 & 200 mg & troche & 16 & 76.6 & 99.2 & 22.8 & 4.54 & 1.15 \\
#> 12-DEMO-002 & 100 mg & capsule & 36 & 61.3 & 113 & 38.3 & 4.04 & 1.28 \\
#> 12-DEMO-002 & 100 mg & tablet & 324 & 77.6 & 106 & 29.9 & 4.31 & 0.981 \\
#> 12-DEMO-002 & 50 mg & capsule & 36 & 74.1 & 112 & 37.1 & 4.44 & 0.900 \\
#> 12-DEMO-002 & 50 mg & tablet & 324 & 71.2 & 106 & 34.1 & 4.63 & 0.868 \\
#> 12-DEMO-002 & 75 mg & capsule & 36 & 72.4 & 105 & 38.2 & 3.89 & 0.900 \\
#> 12-DEMO-002 & 75 mg & tablet & 288 & 71.6 & 98.9 & 34.2 & 4.49 & 0.991 \\
#> 12-DEMO-002 & 75 mg & troche & 36 & 73.6 & 103 & 49.2 & 4.52 & 0.930 \\
#> \hline
#> \end{tabular}
#> \end{threeparttable}
#> \end{table}
#> \end{landscape}
#> ```