Add table notes based on acronyms from a tex glossary file
sep = ": ",
collapse = "; ",
labels = NULL,
width = NULL
an stobject.
a glossary object generated from read_glossary()
unquoted names matching those names in glossary
character to separate name and value.
a character used to collapse definitions into a single string.
a character vector or comma-separates string of definition
labels to get appended to the end of names passed in ...
if numeric, st_notes_detach()
will be called with width
file <- system.file("glo", "glossary.tex", package = "pmtables")
x <- read_glossary(file)
st_new(stdata()) %>%
st_notes_glo(x, WT, CRCL, SCR, width = 1) %>%
#> [1] "\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{5pt} "
#> [2] "\\begin{threeparttable}"
#> [3] "\\renewcommand{\\arraystretch}{1.3}"
#> [4] "\\begin{tabular}[h]{lllllllll}"
#> [5] "\\hline"
#> [6] "STUDY & DOSE & FORM & N & WT & CRCL & AGE & ALB & SCR \\\\"
#> [7] "\\hline"
#> [8] "12-DEMO-001 & 100 mg & tablet & 80 & 71.4 & 104 & 33.7 & 4.20 & 1.06 \\\\"
#> [9] "12-DEMO-001 & 150 mg & capsule & 16 & 89.4 & 122 & 24.4 & 4.63 & 1.12 \\\\"
#> [10] "12-DEMO-001 & 150 mg & tablet & 48 & 81.7 & 104 & 34.4 & 3.83 & 0.910 \\\\"
#> [11] "12-DEMO-001 & 150 mg & troche & 16 & 94.0 & 93.2 & 27.4 & 4.94 & 1.25 \\\\"
#> [12] "12-DEMO-001 & 200 mg & tablet & 64 & 67.9 & 100 & 27.5 & 4.25 & 1.10 \\\\"
#> [13] "12-DEMO-001 & 200 mg & troche & 16 & 76.6 & 99.2 & 22.8 & 4.54 & 1.15 \\\\"
#> [14] "12-DEMO-002 & 100 mg & capsule & 36 & 61.3 & 113 & 38.3 & 4.04 & 1.28 \\\\"
#> [15] "12-DEMO-002 & 100 mg & tablet & 324 & 77.6 & 106 & 29.9 & 4.31 & 0.981 \\\\"
#> [16] "12-DEMO-002 & 50 mg & capsule & 36 & 74.1 & 112 & 37.1 & 4.44 & 0.900 \\\\"
#> [17] "12-DEMO-002 & 50 mg & tablet & 324 & 71.2 & 106 & 34.1 & 4.63 & 0.868 \\\\"
#> [18] "12-DEMO-002 & 75 mg & capsule & 36 & 72.4 & 105 & 38.2 & 3.89 & 0.900 \\\\"
#> [19] "12-DEMO-002 & 75 mg & tablet & 288 & 71.6 & 98.9 & 34.2 & 4.49 & 0.991 \\\\"
#> [20] "12-DEMO-002 & 75 mg & troche & 36 & 73.6 & 103 & 49.2 & 4.52 & 0.930 \\\\"
#> [21] "\\hline"
#> [22] "\\end{tabular}"
#> [23] "\\end{threeparttable}"
#> [24] " "
#> [25] "\\vspace{0.67cm}"
#> [26] " "
#> [27] "\\begin{minipage}{1\\linewidth}"
#> [28] "\\linespread{1.1}\\selectfont"
#> [29] "\\rule{1\\linewidth}{0.4pt}"
#> [30] "\\vspace{0.02cm}"
#> [31] "WT: subject weight; CRCL: Cockcroft-Gault calculated creatinine clearance based on total body weight; SCR: serum creatinine \\newline"
#> [32] "\\end{minipage}"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "stable"