Generates a comprehensive summary of the revision and quality control (QC) history for a file. The function reports:

  • QC status (up to date, needs QC, or not assigned)

  • Presence in the QC log

  • Historical information about previous authors

  • Historical information about previous QC reviewers




File path.


The function prints a formatted summary to the console and invisibly returns the data for programmatic use. Non-existent files generate warnings and are skipped. Files not found in the repository history are also skipped.

QC status can be:

  • "QC up to date" - Latest revision has been QC'd

  • "Needs QC" - New changes need review

  • "Not assigned" - File not in QC system


if (FALSE) {
# Analyze a single script file

# Process all files in a directory
purrr::walk(list.files("script/data-assembly", full.names = TRUE), ~ fileSummary(.file = .x))