Summarize the review log associated with a particular directory.

logSummary(directory = getwd())



the directory containing the log, or any directory below it


Whereas the review log can have any number of records for the same file, the summary reduces the data to one record per file. It is an error if any element of the file column is missing.

The log is read, then sorted on file, revision, time. The last record for each file is retained.


Tim Bergsma


#>                     file                 origin revf headf revo heado reviewer
#> 7    script/combine-da.R    script/combine-da.R    1     1    1     1 michaelm
#> 5 script/data-assembly.R script/data-assembly.R    1     5    1     5 michaelm
#> 4   script/examp-txt.txt   script/examp-txt.txt    0     1    0     1   anyone
#> 6  script/pk/load-spec.R  script/pk/load-spec.R    1     4    1     4 michaelm
#>                      time
#> 7 2024-06-04 21:04:30 GMT
#> 5 2024-06-04 21:04:29 GMT
#> 4 2024-06-04 21:04:29 GMT
#> 6 2024-06-04 21:04:29 GMT