This function exports a specific revision of a file from SVN to a desired output directory. The exported file will be named with its original base name followed by a hyphen and the revision number. If the .output_dir is not specified, the current working directory will be used.

  .revision = NULL,
  .output_dir = getwd(),
  .return_file = FALSE,
  .quiet = FALSE



A character string specifying the path to the SVN file to be exported.


A character or numeric value specifying the SVN revision number of the file to be exported. (If NULL, the most recent version in the repository will be exported.)


A character string specifying the directory where the exported file should be saved. Defaults to the current working directory.


Boolean. Should the newly created file name be returned as a string?


Boolean. Should messages be printed?


if (FALSE) {
  svnExport(.file = "/path/to/svn/file.txt", .revision = "1234", .output_dir = "/path/to/save")