These functions take a model object and create the appropriate file in the required location. If .source_file argument is used, this file will be copied to the location. Otherwise, a template "scaffold" of the required file is created in that location. Note, this primarily intended for Stan models which require several necessary files to run. (See ?bbr_stan for details about these files.) Users can call check_stan_model(.mod) to see if any of these files are missing.

add_stanmod_file(.mod, .source_file = NULL)

add_standata_file(.mod, .source_file = NULL)

add_staninit_file(.mod, .source_file = NULL)

add_stan_fitted_params_file(.mod, .source_file = NULL)



a bbi_{.model_type}_model object


If NULL, the default, create an empty scaffold file at the destination path. If not NULL, pass a path to a file that will be copied to the destination path. Use this if you have a file elsewhere on disk that you would like to use for this model.


  • add_stanmod_file(): Adds a <run>.stan model file.

  • add_standata_file(): Adds a <run>-standata.R file for building the data. See ?bbr_stan for details.

  • add_staninit_file(): Adds a <run>-init.R file for building the initial values. See ?bbr_stan for details.

  • add_stan_fitted_params_file(): Adds a <run>-fitted-params.R file that prepares previously generated MCMC samples as input for a standalone generated quantities run. See ?bbr_stan for details.