This page provides an overview of the basic structure of Stan models in bbr. The main entry point for interacting with Stan models is the bbi_stan_model object. With it, you can create a new model on disk from "scaffold" files, copy a new model from an existing one, jump to model files of interest, and submit models. The Details section contains information about the model structure and the necessary files that will exist on disk for any bbi_stan_model.


Model Structure

<run> - The "run" is, in some sense, the "name" of a given model. Practically, it will correspond to the model directory name, the base name of the bbr-created YAML (<run>.yaml), as well as the base name for some files in that directory. Calling bbr::get_model_id() on a model object will return <run> as a string. The bbi_log_df tibbles also all contain a run column which is populated by calling basename(.mod$absolute_model_path) for each model. Note: this is not actually stored in the model object because it can be unequivocally extracted as just described.

absolute_model_path - Like the bbi_nonmem_model object, the bbi_stan_model object will carry around only an absolute path to the model directory. This will point to the model directory (named <run>) containing all of the files described below, as well as a <run>.yaml file that bbr uses to persist model metadata. A model is loaded or created by passing a relative path to this directory to either bbr::read_model() or bbr::new_model(), both of which return the bbi_stan_model object. When this object is created, it checks the model directory for the relevant files and populates absolute_model_path.

Necessary Files

All of the files described below will exist inside the model directory named <run>. If you call new_model(..., .model_type = "stan") without any of these files, template "scaffold" files for all of them will be created in the newly created model directory.

<run>.stan - The Stan file.

<run>-stanargs.R - Contains a named list with all of the arguments that will be passed through to the $sample() method of cmdstanr::CmdStanModel. See set_stanargs() for details on modifying.

<run>-standata.R - Contains all necessary R code to read in any source data and transform them to a Stan-ready data object (list).

  • Contains only one function, called make_standata(.dir), that takes a single argument and returns the data list to pass to the CmdStanModel$sample().

  • The .dir argument will be the directory containing the script. This is used to find data files for loading, for example read_csv(file.path(.dir, "..", "..", "data", "derived", "my_data.csv"))

  • Can be called (by build_data()) to generate the data for model submission or to compare the resulting data to previously saved data on disk.

  • Note that make_standata will be evaluated in the parent environment of your global session, giving it access to all other environments on your search path. This means that you don't need to prefix function calls with the package name (e.g., here::here()), but doing so is recommended so that make_standata doesn't depend on your search path state. As an exception, you may be comfortable leaving base packages unqualified (e.g., rnorm() rather than stats::rnorm()) because users are unlikely to remove package:stats from their search path or to attach a package that overrides rnorm().

<run>-init.R - This file contains all necessary R code to create the initial values passed to the cmdstanr's $sample() method. This file is a lot like <run>-standata.R (discussed above) and a scaffold can be created with add_staninit_file().

  • Contains only one function, called make_init(.data), that takes a single argument and returns something that can be passed to the init argument of $sample(). There are several options; see the $sample() documentation for details.

  • The object returned from make_standata() will be passed to the .data argument of make_init().

  • Will be called internally by bbr and the result passed as the init argument to $sample().

  • See the make_standata entry above for details on the evaluation environment.

  • Note that $sample() supports passing "A function that returns a single list...". If you intend to use this option, your make_init() function must return the function described, not the "single list...".

  • Note that this file will not be included when you're defining a model for standalone generated quantities. See "Standalone Generated Quantities" section below for more information.

Other Files and Directories

There will be several other things created in the model directory, as the model is run or as it prepares to run.

<run> - This is the binary file created when the <run>.stan file is compiled by cmdstan. We .gitignore this automatically.

<run>-output - This directory is created by bbr. It is where the posteriors will be saved (currently as CSV’s) and also where the bbi_config.json is saved when the model run finishes successfully. Note that we don’t call this <run> (as is done in NONMEM) for two primary reasons:

  • It is more informative to call it <run>-output to distinguish it from all the other files and directories that start with <run>.

  • There is also the binary called <run> (previously mentioned) that could cause confusion. In fact, there was a bug in cmdstanr in February 2021 involving exactly this scenario.

<run>-output/bbi_config.json - This file is created by bbr when a model run finishes successfully. It stores some configuration information about the run, as well as the md5 hashes of the necessary files. These hashes are later used (by bbr::check_up_to_date() to check whether the files have changed since the model was run, primarily for reproducibility purposes.

Some Helper Functions

Standalone Generated Quantities

Stan supports generating quantities of interest from existing posterior samples (see Stan user's guide). cmdstanr exposes this through the $generate_quantities() of cmdstanr::CmdStanModel.

Note: The information below applies to standalone generated quantities. If the model defines generated quantities that are produced at the same time as the MCMC samples, the model will have the structure defined above.

In bbr, models for standalone generated quantities are defined via the bbi_stan_gq_model object, a subclass of bbi_stan_model. On the file system, these models look very similar to regular Stan models, with the following differences:

  • the "model_type" value in the model YAML is "stan_gq" instead of "stan"

  • there is no <run>-init.R file; $generate_quantities() does not have an init argument.

  • there is a <run>-fitted-params.R file. This file must define a function, make_fitted_params, that takes a single argument, the model object. The function can return any value accepted for the fitted_params argument of $generate_quantities().

    See the make_standata entry above for details on the evaluation environment.

"stan_gq" models can be created fresh with new_model(..., .model_type = "stan_gq"). However, for the more common case where the "stan_gq" model is derived from an existing "stan" model, you can use the copy_model_as_stan_gq() helper, which takes care of copying over the relevant files, adding a "gq_parent" field to the model's YAML file that points back to the parent model, and setting up a default <run>-fitted-params.R that returns the paths to the parent model's posteriors.

The "gq_parent" field of "stan_gq" models links to the "stan" model whose samples are used as input. The default <run>-fitted-params.R uses this value to retrieve the previous fit, and check_up_to_date considers it when deciding whether a model is up to date.

In the most common case, the "gq_parent" value will be automatically set up by copy_model_as_stan_gq(). However, you may want to manually set this to multiple values (e.g., with add_stan_gq_parent()) for cases where the fitted parameters are coming from multiple models. The field may also be absent, which is appropriate for cases where the fitted parameters are not coming from a previous model.

To run a "stan_gq" model, pass the bbi_stan_gq_model object to submit_model(), which will use the model files to construct a call to CmdStanModel$generate_quantities().