By looking at the "gq_parent" field of a "stan_gq" model, you can identify which "stan" models are used as input. This function helps you go in the other direction: find which "stan_gq" models under a directory point to the specified "stan" model.

find_stan_gq_children(.mod, .base_dir = NULL, .recurse = FALSE)



A bbi_stan_model object.


Base directory to look in for models. If NULL (the default), look for models in the directory that contains .mod.


If FALSE, the default, only include models in .base_dir but not subdirectories. This is passed through to fs::dir_ls() -- If TRUE recurse fully, if a positive number the number of levels to recurse.

See also

get_stan_gq_parent() and modify_stan_gq_parent for getting and modifying the "gq_parent" value of a bbi_stan_gq_model object, bbr_stan for more information about standalone generated quantities