Diff files between bbi_stan_model (or bbi_stan_gq_model) objects.

# S3 method for bbi_stan_model
  .mod2 = NULL,
  .file = c("model", "standata", "stanargs", "init", "fitted-params"),
  .viewer = FALSE


.mod, .mod2

Show how .mod2 has changed compared .mod. If mod2 is NULL, compare .mod to the model returned by get_based_on(.mod).


Which files to compare:

  • model: <run>.stan

  • standata: <run>-standata.R

  • stanargs: <run>-stanargs.R

  • init: <run>-init.R (not valid if either .mod or .mod2 is a bbi_stan_gq_model object)

  • fitted-params: <run>-fitted-params.R (only valid if both .mod and .mod2 are bbi_stan_gq_model objects)


arguments passed through to methods. (Currently none.)


If FALSE, the default, prints diff to console or renders in Rmd. If TRUE, render the diff in the Viewer window. Note: this option will hold the console with Press ENTER to continue... so it is only recommended for interactive use.