For some a types of models, an object representing the "fitted" model is persisted on disk when the model is run. This function will load that object into memory and return it.

read_fit_model(.mod, ...)

# S3 method for character
read_fit_model(.mod, ...)

# S3 method for bbi_nmbayes_model
  format = c("array", "df", "matrix", "list", "rvars"),
  include_iph = TRUE,

# S3 method for bbi_stan_model
read_fit_model(.mod, ...)



a .bbi_{.model_type}_model object


arguments passed through to methods.


The draws object format to return for bbi_nmbayes_model objects.


Whether to include data from *.iph files, if they exist, in the draws constructed for bbi_nmbayes_model objects.


  • NONMEM Bayes: Returns a posterior draws object.

  • Stan: Returns a cmdstanr fit object of class "CmdStanMCMC". See the ?cmdstanr::CmdStanMCMC docs for methods and information on this object. Note: currently model_summary.bbi_stan_model() calls this under the hood because it contains methods to summarize model outputs and no similar methods exist yet in bbr for Stan.

Methods (by class)

  • read_fit_model(character): Takes a file path that will be passed to bbr::read_model(). The loaded model is then passed directly to the relevant read_fit_model() dispatch.

  • read_fit_model(bbi_nmbayes_model): Returns a posterior draws object.

  • read_fit_model(bbi_stan_model): Returns a cmdstanr::CmdStanMCMC object.