Render a define.pdf document conforming to FDA standards
render_fda_define(x, ...)
# S3 method for class 'yproj'
stem = "define",
title = "Data Definitions",
date = as.character(Sys.Date()),
author = "",
format = "fda_define",
output_dir = getwd(),
build_dir = definetemplate(),
ext = ".xpt",
loc = ".",
sponsor = NULL,
projectnumber = NULL,
# S3 method for class 'character'
render_fda_define(x, ..., dots = list())
# S3 method for class 'yspec'
render_fda_define(x, ..., dots = list())
a yaml specification file name or a yproj object
passed to rmarkdown::render()
used to name the output document
a title for the document
the document date
the document author
function to generate the define text
The output directory for the rendered output_file
This allows for a choice of an alternate directory to which the output file
should be written (the default output directory of that of the input file).
If a path is provided with a filename in output_file
the directory
specified here will take precedence. Please note that any directory path
provided will create any necessary directories if they do not exist.
directory where the document is to be built
data set file extension to include; this should only be changed from default value of ".xpt" for testing purposes
location to use for data set files; this should only be changed from default value of "." for testing purposes
optional project sponsor
optional project number in ...
named list of arguments passed to object converter function
For all document types, the following latex
packages are required:
Make sure these packages are installed and available when trying to render a document.
proj_file <- file_proj_ex()
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmpJ2uGS6/temp_libpath2b47670e342a/yspec/spec/project.yml"
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }