Use this function to read and join another spec file to an existing yspec object. The additional spec file can contain additional columns that might be added to the data set on an ad-hoc basis or could include modeling outputs (e.g. IPRED).

ys_extend(x, file = ys_extend_file(x), silent = FALSE)



A yspec object (the primary spec).


The path to a yaml specification file to load and join to x; if file is not passed, the yspec object will be searched for the extend_file attribute in SETUP__: and will fail if it is not found.


Logical; if TRUE, issue message reporting the number of columns added via extension; the user will alternatively be warned if there were no columns added.


The extension is accomplished using ys_join(), so any columns in the extension spec that already exist in the primary spec are dropped. Use ys_select() on the the primary spec to drop columns that might be in the extension and that you want to retain in the result.

If there are no new columns added by extension, that indicates all columns in the extension spec already exist in primary spec. In this case, a warning will be generated.


extension_file <- system.file("spec", "nm-extension.yml", package = "yspec")

spec <- ys_help$spec() 
spec2 <- ys_extend(spec, extension_file)
#> Note: added 4 columns by extension.
#>     name info unit                         short        source
#> 24  LDOS  ---   mg              last dose amount             .
#> 25   MDV  -d-    .                           MDV ysdb_internal
#> 26   BLQ  -d-    . below limit of quantification             .
#> 27 PHASE  ---    .         study phase indicator             .
#> 28 STUDY  -d-    .                  study number             .
#> 29    RF  cd-    .          renal function stage             .
#> 30  PRED  --e    .         population prediction  nm-extension
#> 31 IPRED  --e    .         individual prediction  nm-extension
#> 32  WRES  --e    .             weighted residual  nm-extension
#> 33 CWRES  --e    . conditional weighted residual  nm-extension

#> Note: added 5 columns by extension.
#>  name  info unit         short                          source       
#>  C     cd-  .            comment character              ysdb_internal
#>  NUM   ---  .            record number                  ysdb_internal
#>  ID    ---  .            subject identifier             ysdb_internal
#>  SUBJ  c--  .            subject identifier             ysdb_internal
#>  TIME  ---  hour         TIME                           look         
#>  SEQ   -d-  .            SEQ                            .            
#>  CMT   ---  .            compartment number             ysdb_internal
#>  EVID  -d-  .            event ID                       ysdb_internal
#>  AMT   ---  mg           dose amount                    ysdb_internal
#>  DV    ---  micrograms/L dependent variable             ysdb_internal
#>  AGE   ---  years        age                            ysdb_internal
#>  WT    ---  kg           weight                         ysdb_internal
#>  CRCL  ---  ml/min       CRCL                           .            
#>  ALB   ---  g/dL         albumin                        ysdb_internal
#>  BMI   ---  m2/kg        BMI                            ysdb_internal
#>  AAG   ---  mg/dL        alpha-1-acid glycoprotein      .            
#>  SCR   ---  mg/dL        serum creatinine               .            
#>  AST   ---  .            aspartate aminotransferase     .            
#>  ALT   ---  .            alanine aminotransferase       .            
#>  HT    ---  cm           height                         ysdb_internal
#>  CP    -d-  .            Child-Pugh score               look         
#>  TAFD  ---  hours        time after first dose          .            
#>  TAD   ---  hours        time after dose                .            
#>  LDOS  ---  mg           last dose amount               .            
#>  MDV   -d-  .            MDV                            ysdb_internal
#>  BLQ   -d-  .            below limit of quantification  .            
#>  PHASE ---  .            study phase indicator          .            
#>  STUDY -d-  .            study number                   .            
#>  RF    cd-  .            renal function stage           .            
#>  WRES  --e  .            weighted residuals             analysis1-ext
#>  CWRES --e  .            conditional weighted residuals analysis1-ext
#>  IPRED --e  .            individual prediction          analysis1-ext
#>  PRED  --e  .            population prediction          analysis1-ext
#>  LDV   --e  .            log DV                         analysis1-ext

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# In case COL is in both the primary spec and the extension, but you want 
# to retain what is in the extension
spec %>% select(-COL) %>% ys_extend("extension.yml")   
} # }