The primary use case for this function is for creating TeX tables which can be included in a report Appendix. See more in details.

ys_table(spec, fun = NULL, tex = TRUE, widths_ = c(0.75, 1.95, 0.6, 2.15), ...)



a yspec object


a function to format a TeX table; if NULL (the default), the table will be rendered using fda_table()


logical; if TRUE, switch to tex namespace if it exists


passed to fda_table() when fun is NULL; these are slightly modified from the fda_table() default (see examples); note the trailing underscore in the argument name; these shouldn't need to be changed for most use.


additional arguments passed to fun


The table text generated from fun.


By default, the table code is rendered using fda_table(); this should be used in most cases. fda_table() returns the table in the longtable environment. This can be included in a report with \input{<file.tex>}.

At this time, there is no mechanism for generating a caption for tables generated using fda_table(); the intended use is to include the table in an appendix, with caption information given in plain text in the appendix.


spec <- ys_help$spec()
tab <- ys_table(spec)
writeLines(text = tab, con = tempfile(fileext=".tex"))

#> c(0.75, 2.1, 0.6, 2.2)
#> c(0.75, 1.95, 0.6, 2.15)