Combines boot strap estimates and non boot strap estimates with information in parameter key. Performs some formatting of this combined data.frame. There are two main steps of this function:

1.Run bbr::param_estimates_compare to extract summary quantiles, the 5th, 50th, and 95th, of the bootstrap estimates for each model parameter.

  • Some parameter_names have punctuation such as OMEGA(1,1). A new column is added without punctuation, such as OMEGA11.

  • Following this, parameter details from the parameter key are joined to the boot strap parameter estimates. A dplyr::inner_join is used so that only parameters in the model output are kept in the table. This was done so that, if your base and final model used the same structural THETAs and random parameters, the same parameter key could be used for both.

  • This join adds the following columns: abb (abbreviation), desc (parameter description), panel, trans (transformation).

2.Reformat non-bootstrap estimates and left join onto combined bootstrap estimates and parameter key data.frame. Expected input is a data.frame with parameter estimates, with the columns: parameter_names, estimate.

With this information provided, a check is performed to determine whether parameters with special transformation rules were defined correctly. In addition, a series of TRUE/FALSE columns that will be used by subsequent functions.

define_boot_table(.boot_estimates, .nonboot_estimates, .key)



parameter boot estimates- either path to file or data.frame


non-bootstrap final model - either path to file or bbr model_summary


path to parameter key or data.frame of parameter key. Described in more detail in param_key


boot_paramEst <- utils::read.csv(system.file("model/nonmem/boot/data/boot-106.csv",
                                 package = "pmparams"))
nonboot_paramEst <- utils::read.csv(system.file("model/nonmem/nonboot_param_est.csv",
                                    package = "pmparams"))
paramKey <-  system.file("model/nonmem/pk-parameter-key-new.yaml", package = "pmparams")

define_boot_table(.boot_estimates = boot_paramEst,
               .nonboot_estimates = nonboot_paramEst,
               .key = paramKey)
#> [1] "Parameter table yaml path provided: /data/pmparams/inst/model/nonmem/pk-parameter-key-new.yaml"
#> # A tibble: 15 × 25
#>    parameter_names estimate   lower   upper name   abb   desc  panel trans  nrow
#>    <chr>              <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#>  1 THETA1            0.449   1.39    1.78   THETA1 KA (… Firs… stru… logT…     1
#>  2 THETA2            4.12   58.3    65.1    THETA2 V2/F… Appa… stru… logT…     2
#>  3 THETA3            1.17    3.07    3.42   THETA3 CL/F… Appa… stru… logT…     3
#>  4 THETA4            4.21   65.0    69.8    THETA4 V3/F… Appa… stru… logT…     4
#>  5 THETA5            1.28    3.37    3.86   THETA5 Q/F … Appa… stru… logT…     5
#>  6 THETA6            0.484   0.408   0.558  THETA6 CL/F… eGFR… cov   none      6
#>  7 THETA7           -0.0386 -0.167   0.0878 THETA7 CL/F… Age … cov   none      7
#>  8 THETA8            0.420   0.294   0.587  THETA8 CL/F… Seru… cov   none      8
#>  9 OMEGA.1.1.        0.218   0.130   0.331  OMEGA… IIV-… Vari… IIV   logn…     9
#> 10 OMEGA.2.2.        0.0821  0.0643  0.101  OMEGA… IIV-… Vari… IIV   logn…    10
#> 11 OMEGA.3.3.        0.112   0.0896  0.140  OMEGA… IIV-… Vari… IIV   logn…    11
#> 12 OMEGA.2.1.        0.0656  0.0328  0.107  OMEGA… V2/F… Cova… IIV   none     12
#> 13 OMEGA.3.1.        0.121   0.0805  0.173  OMEGA… CL/F… Cova… IIV   none     13
#> 14 OMEGA.3.2.        0.0696  0.0525  0.0882 OMEGA… CL/F… Cova… IIV   none     14
#> 15 SIGMA.1.1.        0.0400  0.0376  0.0424 SIGMA… Prop… Vari… RV    prop…    15
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: fixed <lgl>, value <dbl>, transTHETA <lgl>,
#> #   THETAERR <lgl>, TH <lgl>, OM <lgl>, S <lgl>, LOG <lgl>, LOGIT <lgl>,
#> #   lognormO <lgl>, Osd <lgl>, logitOsd <lgl>, propErr <lgl>, addErr <lgl>,
#> #   addErrLogDV <lgl>