
This is a vignette to help you become familiar with using define_boot_table() and format_boot_table(). For more information how to effectively integrate pmparams into your workflow, visit the MeRGE Expo: Parameter Tables ..

Data requirements

Parameter key

We begin by creating a parameter key that tells R how to interpret you parameter values. Our code require four arguments for each parameter:

  • abb - abbreviation for model parameter (we use latex coding)
  • desc - parameter description to appear
  • panel - the table panel the parameter should appear under
  • trans - definition of how the parameter should be transformed

If you have a model that uses theta in the $ERROR block, make sure that the theta section’s panel is “RV” so that pmparams functions can properly identify it.

It is recommended to use a parameter key yaml, but pmparams works for parameter key tibbles.

A more detailed walk-through of generating the parameter key is available here: MeRGE Expo: Creating a Parameter Key .

paramKeyPath <- system.file("model/nonmem/pk-parameter-key-new.yaml", package = "pmparams")
paramKey <- yaml::yaml.load_file(paramKeyPath)
#>                                               THETA1.desc 
#>                             "KA (1/h)" "First order absorption rate constant" 
#>                           THETA1.panel                           THETA1.trans 
#>                               "struct"                             "logTrans" 
#>                                               THETA2.desc 
#>                             "V2/F (L)"              "Apparent central volume"

Non-boot Parameter estimates

pmparams allows for different non-boot parameter estimate input types: * path to model directory * data.frame of bbr model_summary

For this example, we will use the path to the model directory.

nonboot_paramEstPath <- system.file("model/nonmem/106", package = "pmparams")

Boot parameter estimates

pmparams allows for different boot parameter estimate input types: * path to file * data.frame

For this example, we will use the path to file.

boot_paramEstPath <- system.file("model/nonmem/boot/data/boot-106.csv", package = "pmparams")

Define boot parameter table

We will now join parameter estimates and parameter key. Note: this is an inner_join, so only parameters included in the model output and parameter key will be kept in the table. This was done so that, if your base and final model used the same structural THETAs and random parameters, the same parameter key could be used for both. The additional covariate THETAs defined in the parameter key YAML would simply be ignored when creating the base model parameter table.

Additionally, define_param_table performs checks and calculates confidence intervals.

df1 <- define_boot_table(.boot_estimates = boot_paramEstPath,
                .nonboot_estimates = nonboot_paramEstPath,
                .key = paramKeyPath)
#> Rows: 1000 Columns: 16
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr  (1): run
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
#> [1] "Parameter table yaml path provided: /data/pmparams/renv/library/R-4.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/pmparams/model/nonmem/pk-parameter-key-new.yaml"
#> [1] "Model path provided: /data/pmparams/renv/library/R-4.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/pmparams/model/nonmem/106"

#> # A tibble: 6 × 25
#>   parameter_names estimate  lower  upper name   abb      desc  panel trans  nrow
#>   <chr>              <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>  <chr>    <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 THETA1             0.449  1.39   1.78  THETA1 KA (1/h) Firs… stru… logT…     1
#> 2 THETA2             4.12  58.3   65.1   THETA2 V2/F (L) Appa… stru… logT…     2
#> 3 THETA3             1.17   3.07   3.42  THETA3 CL/F (L… Appa… stru… logT…     3
#> 4 THETA4             4.21  65.0   69.8   THETA4 V3/F (L) Appa… stru… logT…     4
#> 5 THETA5             1.28   3.37   3.86  THETA5 Q/F (L/… Appa… stru… logT…     5
#> 6 THETA6             0.484  0.408  0.558 THETA6 CL/F ~ … eGFR… cov   none      6
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: fixed <lgl>, value <dbl>, transTHETA <lgl>,
#> #   THETAERR <lgl>, TH <lgl>, OM <lgl>, S <lgl>, LOG <lgl>, LOGIT <lgl>,
#> #   lognormO <lgl>, Osd <lgl>, logitOsd <lgl>, propErr <lgl>, addErr <lgl>,
#> #   addErrLogDV <lgl>

Format boot parameter table

Now, we perform some house-keeping based on the new parameter key information, calculate any summary statistics (the 95% confidence intervals are calculated by default), and format the values for the report using format_boot_table.

df2 <- format_boot_table(df1)

Usually define_boot_table and format_boot_table are run together in a single call like this:

df2 <- define_boot_table(.boot_estimates = boot_paramEstPath,
                .nonboot_estimates = nonboot_paramEstPath,
                .key = paramKeyPath) %>% 
#> Rows: 1000 Columns: 16
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr  (1): run
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
#> [1] "Parameter table yaml path provided: /data/pmparams/renv/library/R-4.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/pmparams/model/nonmem/pk-parameter-key-new.yaml"
#> [1] "Model path provided: /data/pmparams/renv/library/R-4.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/pmparams/model/nonmem/106"

#>           abb                                  desc boot_value   boot_ci_95
#> 1    KA (1/h)  First order absorption rate constant       1.57   1.39, 1.78
#> 2    V2/F (L)               Apparent central volume       61.5   58.3, 65.1
#> 3  CL/F (L/h)                    Apparent clearance       3.23   3.07, 3.42
#> 4    V3/F (L)            Apparent peripheral volume       67.3   65.0, 69.8
#> 5   Q/F (L/h) Apparent intercompartmental clearance       3.61   3.37, 3.86
#> 6 CL/F ~ eGFR                   eGFR effect on CL/F      0.484 0.408, 0.558

Make parameter table

We use pmtables to make formatted table.

tableList <- list()

#grab footnotes
footnote <- param_notes(.ci = 95)

tableList$bootstrap <- df2 %>% 
  mutate(boot_ci_95 = if_else(, "FIXED", boot_ci_95)) %>% 
  st_new() %>% 
  st_panel("desc") %>% 
  st_rename(Value = boot_value,
            "95% CI" = boot_ci_95,
            " "= abb) %>% 
  st_notes(footnote$ci) %>% 

tableList$bootstrap %>% 
  stable() %>%