Rotate axis text

rot_x(angle = 30, hjust = 1, vjust = NULL, vertical = FALSE, ...)

rot_y(angle = 30, hjust = 1, vjust = NULL, ...)



passed to ggplot2::element_text


passed to ggplot2::element_text


passed to ggplot2::element_text


if TRUE, then x-axis tick labels are rotated 90 degrees with vjust set to 0.5 and hjust set to 0; when vertical is set to TRUE, then hjust can be passed as character string that must match either top (then hjust is set to 1) or bottom (then hjust is set to 0


passed to ggplot2::element_text


If x-axis tick labels do not have enough space, consider using vert = TRUE. By default, the tick labels will be justified up to the x-axis line. Use hjust = "b" or hjust = "bottom" (with vert = TRUE) to justify the axis labels toward the bottom margin of the plot.


data <- pmplots_data_obs()

dv_pred(data) + rot_x()
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

if (FALSE) {
cwres_cat(data, x = "CPc") + rot_x(vert = TRUE)
cwres_cat(data, x = "CPc") + rot_x(vert = TRUE, hjust = "b")