All functions

add_density() layer_dnorm()

Add a density curve to a plot


Coerce pm_opts object to a list


Make boxplots


Assign a pmplots option


Column // axis-label specification

cont_cat_panel() cont_cat_panel_list()

Create a display of continuous versus categorical covariates

cont_hist() cont_hist_list() pm_histogram()

Generate a histogram plot

cwres_covariate() cwres_covariate_list()

Create CWRES versus covariate displays

cwres_panel() cwres_panel_list()

Create a display of CWRES diagnostic plots

cwres_time() cwres_tafd() cwres_tad() cwresi_time() cwresi_tafd() cwresi_tad()

Plot conditional weighted residuals versus time


Default setting for discrete x-axis scale


Default setting for x-axis scale


Default setting for continuous y-axis scale

dv_pred() dv_ipred() dv_preds()

Plot DV versus predicted values

dv_pred_ipred() dv_pred_ipred_impl() do_dv_pred_ipred()

Create plots showing DV, PRED, and IPRED by individual

dv_time() dv_tafd() dv_tad()

Plot DV versus time


Plot ETAs versus categorical variables


Plot ETAs versus continuous variables

eta_covariate() eta_covariate_list()

Create ETA versus covariate displays


ETA histograms

eta_labs() eta_col_labs()

Make ETA labels and col-labels

geom_3s() layer_3s()

Additional reference lines

layer_h() layer_s() layer_a() layer_hs() layer_sh() layer_as() layer_sa() layer_dots() gs() ga() gh()

Layer functions

list_plot_x() list_plot_y() list_plot_xy() list_plot_yx()

Apply a plotting function to a vector of x or y values


Scale information for log transformation

logbr() logbr3()

Create breaks on log scale

npde_covariate() npde_covariate_list()

Create NPDE versus covariate displays

npde_panel() npde_panel_list()

Create a display of NPDE diagnostic plots


Input parameters for NPDE reference lines

npde_scatter() cwres_scatter()

Create a display of residuals versus time and predicted values

npde_time() npde_tad() npde_tafd()

Plot NPDE versus time

pairs_plot() eta_pairs()

Pairs plots using ggpairs

parse_label() look_for_tex() label_tex() label_parse_label()

Parse the label part of a col_label

pm_axis() pm_axis_data

Get defaults for plot axes

pm_axis_tad() pm_axis_time() pm_axis_tafd() pm_axis_res() pm_axis_wres() pm_axis_cwres() pm_axis_cwresi() pm_axis_npde() pm_axis_pred() pm_axis_ipred() pm_axis_dv()

Functions to generate axis data

pm_box() pm_box_list() cont_cat()

Plot continuous variable against a categorical variable

pm_browser() pm_browser_show()

pmplots browser object


pmplots browser gadget


Arrange a list of plots in a grid

pm_log() pm_ident()

Identity and log scale helpers

pm_options() pm_opts pm

Set global plot options

pm_scatter() pm_scatter_list() cont_cont()

Plot continuous variable versus continuous variable


Add loess line

pm_theme() pm_abline() pm_smooth() pm_hline()

The standard pmplots theme


Plots for pharmacometrics

pmplots_data() pmplots_data_id() pmplots_data_obs()

Example data sets


Print the pm_opts object

res_cat() wres_cat() cwres_cat() cwresi_cat() npde_cat()

Plot residuals versus categorical variable

res_cont() wres_cont() cwres_cont() cwresi_cont() npde_cont()

Plot residuals versus continuous variables

res_hist() wres_hist() cwres_hist() cwresi_hist() npde_hist()

Histograms of residuals or NPDE

npde_hist_q() cwres_hist_q()

Create a display of residual histograms and quantile-quantile plots

res_pred() wres_pred() cwres_pred() cwresi_pred() npde_pred()

Residuals or NPDE versus predicted values

wres_q() cwres_q() cwresi_q() npde_q()

QQ plot for conditional residuals or NPDE

res_time() res_tafd() res_tad()

Plot residuals versus time

rot_x() rot_y()

Rotate axis text


Scatter plot function


Split and plot


Extract multiple pmplots options


Add CWRES column from CWRESI if needed


A plain ggplot2 theme


with method for pm_display objects

wrap_cont_cont() wrap_cont_time() wrap_res_time() wrap_eta_cont() wrap_hist() wrap_dv_preds() wrap_cont_cat()

Faceted plots

wres_time() wres_tafd() wres_tad()

Plot weighted residuals versus time


Plot continuous data versus time