• y-axis for cwres_q() and npde_q() changed to remove the word “distribution” (#92).

  • pmplots now depends on ggplot2 version 3.5.0 or greater (#86).

  • Axis titles for conditional weighted residuals are now abbreviated “CWRES” (#83).

Bugs fixed

Bugs fixed

  • Fix bug where density line was not being drawn by default over npde and cwres histograms; the bug came about from incomplete transition to changes introduced in ggplot2 v3.4.0 (#74, #75).
  • Update plotting code to work with new ggplot2 behavior introduced in version 3.4.0; pmplots now depends on ggplot2 version 3.4.0 or greater (#71).
  • Functions generating default axis titles now have arguments so that interpolated customizations can happen when calling the function outside of a plot context (#57).

  • dv_pred_ipred() heavily refactored for functionality and style; see the PR for significant changes / improvements (#54).

  • Put stories in yaml format; add script to build validation docs from the yaml file (#58, #59).

  • Add vignettes into package (#37)

  • Re-work README (#37)

  • pairs_plot() and eta_pairs() now will properly call user-supplied functions for creating panels on the upper and lower triangle (#2)

  • The upper panels in pairs_plot() and eta_pairs() are not customizable using pm_opts() (#6)

  • The reference lines at -3 and 3 on the y-axis of npde plots are no longer drawn by default (#22)

  • dv_pred() and dv_ipred() gain an argument (logbr) that lets the user pick the interval for tick marks when loglog plots are drawn; options are: “full” (full log units - 10, 100 ,1000), “half” (half log units - 30, 100,

    1. or “null” (let ggplot decide); the default is now to show full log unit breaks rather than half log unit breaks (#21)
  • pairs_plot() gains an argument (lower_plot) which lets the user more easily customize the scatter plot that usually appears on the lower triangle (#26)

  • wrap_cont_cat() is a new wrap function that lets the user make faceted plots of continuous variables versus categorical variables; (#14)

  • Add label_fun function to pairs_plot, wrap_cont_cont and wrap_hist allowing strip labels to incorporate expressions via pmplots:::label_parse #45
  • parse_label and label_parse_label are exported
  • Add option system #70
  • Add better control over tick label rotation and justification #60
  • Optionally plot subject ID rather than points in scatter plots #63
  • CWRESI plots now have default axis title “CWRES with interaction” #87
  • Add dv_pred_ipred plot function #89
  • Optionally overlay points on top of boxplots #13
  • Refactor col_label so that punctuation in col//label does not result in error #72
  • Qualification under CR-88 and released to r_validated
  • Added non-exported functions to generate default col-label information (see ?pm_axis_functions)
  • Added npde_time, npde_tad and npde_tafd, npde_pred, npde_hist, and npde_q functions
  • Added res_hist, wres_hist, and cwres_hist along with the more general cont_hist functions for plotting residuals or other continuous variables as histograms
  • Vectorized eta_cont, (cw)res_cont, eta_cat, and (cw)res_cat; see function help for more details about what this means
  • Added cont_cont_list and cont_cat_list as vectorized versions of cont_cont and cont_cat
  • Added internal functions that facilitate the creation of vectorized plotting function calls
  • Reorganized the R source files and split several composite help topics into more focused topics
  • Added pairs_plot as a more-generic front end to ggpairs
  • Dots are now passed through eta_pairs and pairs_plot to GGally::ggpairs; this allows users to pass in a mapping for colors etc
  • Added arguments for pairs_plot to allow users to pass in custom functions for upper and lower
  • For the default lower function in pairs_plot, the mapping object is checked for smooth_color and smooth_lty for more control over the smoothing line
  • Remove shk argument to pairs_plot
  • Re-configured code to handle user-supplied xs and ys information; axis titles respect user-supplied name settings for scales
  • Added functions to rot_x and rot_y to rotate tick labels
  • Added scales argument to dv_pred and dv_ipred; by default (scales = "fixed"), the x- and y-axis have the same limits; when scales = "free" limits are chosen by ggplot2 and will likely be different for x- and y-axis
  • Fixed bug in split_plot when splitting by a factor that doesn’t have all level present
  • Fixed bug in wres_q related to indexing a tibble
  • Added functions to export look and feel: pm_theme, pm_abline, pm_smooth, pm_hline, pm_histogram; these functions help make the plots look consistent with other plots if you are making reference lines, smooths, etc; pm_theme is still just a wrapper around theme_bw()
  • eta_pairs dispatches to eta_hist when there is only one eta in the mix #14
  • A density line is by default plotted over histograms for cwres, wres, and npde
  • Changed all plots so that axis titles are generated with labs rather than via scale_(x|y)_continuous #23
  • ggplot2 version 3.0.0 or greater is now required
  • col_label specification can now be automatically parsed to generate expressions to be rendered with plotmath; if two $ symbols are found in the title, pmplots will try to load the latex2exp namespace and pass the axis title through latex2exp::TeX. Otherwise, if the axis title begins with !!, then pmplots will parse the column title to generate the expression
  • Added cowplot as a suggested package to work with pm_grid
  • Fixed a bug introduced with ggplot2 version 3 when used with eta_pairs #17
  • split_plot now accepts a grouped data frame as input; the list of plots will be generated by splitting the data frame on grouping column #32
  • Added faceted plots: wrap_cont_cont, wrap_cont_time, wrap_res_time, wrap_eta_cont, wrap_hist, and wrap_dv_preds
  • Fixed logbr3 so that the values are sorted; this fixes an issue where the grid lines were not properly displayed with these breaks
  • Fixed issue in dv_time and dv_pred when modifying the x-scale and y-scale through xs and ys arguments
  • Changed dv_time and dv_pred so that breaks are at half-log units when log = TRUE or loglog = TRUE
  • Initial validated version