
Version 0.89.0

A pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics library for Stan

Univariate integral of a quadratic function

integral of a quadratic function. This example shows how to use univariate_integral_rk45 to calculate the integral of a quadratic function.

functions {
  real fun_ord2(real t, real[] theta, real[] x_r, int[] x_i) {
    real a = 2.3;
    real b = 2.0;
    real c = 1.5;
    real res;
    res = a + b * t + c * t * t;
    return res;
data {
  real t0;
  real t1;
  real dtheta[2];
  real x_r[0];
  int x_i[0];
transformed data {
  real univar_integral;
  univar_integral = univariate_integral_rk45(func, t0, t1, dtheta,
                          x_r, x_i);
/* ... */
Last updated on 30 Jun 2021
Published on 25 Jun 2021
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