
Version 0.89.0

A pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics library for Stan

Two-compartment population model

Using pmx_solve_group_bdf, the following example fits a two-compartment population model.


  // define ODE system for two compartmnt model
  real[] twoCptModelODE(real t,
                        real[] x,
                        real[] parms,
                        real[] rate,  // in this example, rate is treated as data
                        int[] dummy){

    // Parameters
    real CL = parms[1];
    real Q = parms[2];
    real V1 = parms[3];
    real V2 = parms[4];
    real ka = parms[5];

    // Re-parametrization
    real k10 = CL / V1;
    real k12 = Q / V1;
    real k21 = Q / V2;

    // Return object (derivative)
    real y[3];  // 1 element per compartment of
                // the model

    // PK component of the ODE system
    y[1] = -ka*x[1];
    y[2] = ka*x[1] - (k10 + k12)*x[2] + k21*x[3];
    y[3] = k12*x[2] - k21*x[3];

    return y;
  int<lower = 1> np;            /* population size */
  int<lower = 1> nt;  // number of events
  int<lower = 1> nObs;  // number of observations
  int<lower = 1> iObs[nObs];  // index of observation

  // NONMEM data
  int<lower = 1> cmt[np * nt];
  int evid[np * nt];
  int addl[np * nt];
  int ss[np * nt];
  real amt[np * nt];
  real time[np * nt];
  real rate[np * nt];
  real ii[np * nt];

  real<lower = 0> cObs[np*nObs];  // observed concentration (dependent variable)

transformed data {
  real logCObs[np*nObs];
  int<lower = 1> len[np];
  int<lower = 1> len_theta[np];
  int<lower = 1> len_biovar[np];
  int<lower = 1> len_tlag[np];

  int nTheta = 5;   // number of parameters
  int nCmt = 3;   // number of compartments
  real biovar[np * nt, nCmt];
  real tlag[np * nt, nCmt];

  logCObs = log(cObs);

  for (id in 1:np) {
    for (j in 1:nt) {
      for (i in 1:nCmt) {
        biovar[(id - 1) * nt + j, i] = 1;
        tlag[(id - 1) * nt + j, i] = 0;
    len[id] = nt;
    len_theta[id] = nt;
    len_biovar[id] = nt;
    len_tlag[id] = nt;

  real<lower = 0> CL[np];
  real<lower = 0> Q[np];
  real<lower = 0> V1[np];
  real<lower = 0> V2[np];
  real<lower = 0> ka[np];
  real<lower = 0> sigma[np];

transformed parameters{
  real theta[np * nt, nTheta];
  vector<lower = 0>[nt] cHat[np];
  real<lower = 0> cHatObs[np*nObs];
  matrix[3, nt * np] x;

  for (id in 1:np) {
    for (it in 1:nt) {
      theta[(id - 1) * nt + it, 1] = CL[id];
      theta[(id - 1) * nt + it, 2] = Q[id];
      theta[(id - 1) * nt + it, 3] = V1[id];
      theta[(id - 1) * nt + it, 4] = V2[id];
      theta[(id - 1) * nt + it, 5] = ka[id];

  x = pmx_solve_group_bdf(twoCptModelODE, 3, len,
                          time, amt, rate, ii, evid, cmt, addl, ss,
                          theta, biovar, tlag);

  for (id in 1:np) {
    for (j in 1:nt) {
      cHat[id][j] = x[2, (id - 1) * nt + j] ./ V1[id];

  for (id in 1:np) {
    for(i in 1:nObs){
      cHatObs[(id - 1)*nObs + i] = cHat[id][iObs[i]];  // predictions for observed data records

  // informative prior
  for(id in 1:np){
    CL[id] ~ lognormal(log(10), 0.25);
    Q[id] ~ lognormal(log(15), 0.5);
    V1[id] ~ lognormal(log(35), 0.25);
    V2[id] ~ lognormal(log(105), 0.5);
    ka[id] ~ lognormal(log(2.5), 1);
    sigma[id] ~ cauchy(0, 1);

    for(i in 1:nObs){
      logCObs[(id - 1)*nObs + i] ~ normal(log(cHatObs[(id - 1)*nObs + i]), sigma[id]);

When the above model is compiled with MPI support(see Section MPI support), one can run it using within-chain parallelization:

mpiexec -n nproc ./twocpt_population sample data init=twocpt_population.init.R

Here nproc indicates the number of parallel processes participating ODE solution. For example, with np=8 for a population of 8, nproc=4 indicates solving 8 subjects' ODEs in parallel, with each process solving 2 subjects.

Last updated on 30 Jun 2021
Published on 25 Jun 2021
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