
Version 0.89.0

A pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics library for Stan

ODE integrator function


Torsten provides its own implementation of ODE solvers that solves

\begin{equation*} y'(t) = f(t, y(t)), \quad y(t_0) = y_0 \end{equation*}

for \(y\). These solvers are customized for Torsten applications and different from those found in Stan. The general ODE PMX solvers in previous sections are internally powered by these functions.


real[ , ] pmx_integrate_ode_[ adams || bdf || rk45 ](ODE_rhs, real[] y0, real t0, real[] ts, real[] theta, real[] x_r, int[] x_i [ , real rtol, real atol, int max_step ]);


  • ODE_rhs Function that specifies the right-hand-side \(f\). It should be defined in functions block and has the following format
vector = f(real t, vector y, real[] param, real[] dat_r, int[] dat_i) {...}

Here t is time, y the unknowns of ODE, param the parameters, dat\_r the real data, dat\_i the integer data.

  • y0 Initial condition \(y_0\).
  • t0 Initial time \(t_0\).
  • ts Output time when solution is seeked.
  • theta Parameters to be passed to ODE_rhs function.
  • x_r Real data to be passed to ODE_rhs function.
  • x_i Integer data to be passed to ODE_rhs function.
  • rtol Relative tolerance, default to 1.e-6(rk45) and 1.e-8(adams and bdf).
  • atol Absolute tolerance, default to 1.e-6(rk45) and 1.e-8(adams and bdf).
  • max_step Maximum number of steps allowed between neighboring time in ts, default to 100000.

Return value

An n-by-nd 2d-array, where n is the size of ts and nd the dimension of the system.


  • Three numerical integrator are provided:

    • pmx_integrate_ode_adams: Adams-Moulton method,
    • pmx_integrate_ode_bdf: Backward-differentiation formular,
    • pmx_integrate_ode_rk45: Runge-Kutta 4/5 method.

    When not equipped with further understanding of the ODE system, as a rule of thumb we suggest user try rk45 integrator first, bdf integrator when the system is suspected to be stiff, and adams when a non-stiff system needs to be solved with higher accuracy/smaller tolerance.

  • All three integrators support adaptive stepping. To achieve that, at step \(i\) estimated error \(e_i\) is calculated and compared with given tolerance so that

    \begin{equation} e_i < \Vert\text{rtol} \times \tilde{y} + \text{atol}\Vert \end{equation}

    Here \(\tilde{y}\) is the numerical solution of \(y\) at current step and \(\Vert \cdot \Vert\) indicates certain norm. When the above check fails, the solver attempts to reduce step size and retry. The default values of atol, rtol, and max_step are based on Stan’s ODE functions and should not be considered as optimal. User should make problem-dependent decision on rtol and atol, according to estimated scale of the unknowns, so that the error would not affect inference on statistical variance of quantities that enter the Stan model. In particular, when an unknown can be neglected below certain threshold without affecting the rest of the dynamic system, setting atol greater than that threshold will avoid spurious and error-prone computation. See (Hindmarsh et al. 2020) and 1.4 of (Shampine et al. 2003) for details.

  • With optional arguments indicated by square bracket, the following calls are allowed:

pmx_integrate_ode_[adams || rk45 || bdf](..., x_i);
pmx_integrate_ode_[adams || rk45 || bdf](..., x_i, rel_tol, abs_tol, max_step);


Hindmarsh, Alan C., Radu Serban, Cody J. Balos, David J. Gardner, Carol S. Woodward, and Daniel R. Reynolds. 2020. User Documentation for Cvodes V5.4.0.

Shampine, L. F., I. Gladwell, Larry Shampine, and S. Thompson. 2003. Solving ODEs with MATLAB. Cambridge University Press.

Last updated on 30 Jun 2021
Published on 28 Jun 2021
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