Two-compartment model solved by numerical integrator for single patient
Using pmx_solve_rk45
, the following example fits a two-compartment model
with first order absorption. User-defined function
describes the RHS of the ODEs.
vector ode_rhs(real t, vector x, real[] parms, real[] x_r, int[] x_i){
real CL = parms[1];
real Q = parms[2];
real V1 = parms[3];
real V2 = parms[4];
real ka = parms[5];
real k10 = CL / V1;
real k12 = Q / V1;
real k21 = Q / V2;
vector[3] y;
y[1] = -ka*x[1];
y[2] = ka*x[1] - (k10 + k12)*x[2] + k21*x[3];
y[3] = k12*x[2] - k21*x[3];
return y;
We omit data
block as they are identical to Two-compartment model for single patient Example.
transformed data {
row_vector[nObs] logCObs = log(cObs);
int nTheta = 5; // number of parameters
int nCmt = 3; // number of compartments
parameters {
real<lower = 0> CL;
real<lower = 0> Q;
real<lower = 0> V1;
real<lower = 0> V2;
real<lower = 0> ka;
real<lower = 0> sigma;
transformed parameters {
real theta[nTheta];
row_vector<lower = 0>[nt] cHat;
row_vector<lower = 0>[nObs] cHatObs;
matrix<lower = 0>[3, nt] x;
theta[1] = CL;
theta[2] = Q;
theta[3] = V1;
theta[4] = V2;
theta[5] = ka;
x = pmx_solve_rk45(ode_rhs, 3, time, amt, rate, ii, evid, cmt, addl, ss, theta, 1e-5, 1e-8, 1e5);
cHat = x[2, ] ./ V1;
for(i in 1:nObs){
cHatObs[i] = cHat[iObs[i]]; // predictions for observed data records